
发布日期:2019-12-03 23:22:56 编辑整理:宁夏自考网 【字体: 】    【自考招生老师微信】






1. This camera is so easy to use; _____ a child could take good pictures with it.

A. yet  B. even

C. but  D. since

2. _____ of the figures seems correct. Would you check them carefully?

A. Neither  B. Both

C. Either  D. All

3. He had hardly left the building _____ the bomb exploded.

A. than  B. before

C. when  D. after

4. They have different views on the comment- _____ the daughter sees it as criticism, the mother takes it as praise.

A. why  B. how

C. where  D. if

5. This plan probably won’t work either- but you must do _____ to help her.

A. a thing  B. something

C. things  D. nothing

6. I would rather you _____ this to him yourself. When I tried to speak to him last time, he didn’t listen.

A. say  B. will say

C. said  D. would say

7. For most people, common cold is a mild illness _____ they will quickly recover.

A. over that  B. over which

C. from that  D. from which

8. We definitely are not the perfect couple, _____ we don’t pretend to be so.

A. and  B. or

C. for  D. because

9. Could you please tell me where _____ find Professor Smith? His wife has just called his office.

A. I can  B. can I

C. would I  D. I would

10. Everything _____ very different if your father were alive.

A. is  B. will be

C. was  D. would be

11. _____ would be wonderful to be able to meet the famous movie star in person.

A. It  B. That

C. There  D. This

12. When I entered the room, I saw him _____ in a front seat staring at a picture in a strange way.

A. to sit  B. is sitting

C. sat  D. sitting

13. Not only _____ about the food, but he also refused to pay for it.

A. he complained  B. did he complain

C. he had complained  D. he did complain

14. I am not very good _____ maths. Would you please work out the total cost of our trip?

A. in  B. for

C. on  D. at

15. It took them a long time to _____ the fire because of the strong wind.

A. put off  B. take off

C. put out  D. take out

16. Things will settle down as time goes by. They’ll never be the same, _____.

A. instead  B. yet

C. though  D. too

17. I _____ her my bicycle last month, but she has not returned it yet.

A. borrowed  B. sent

C. gave  D. lent

18. — I swam a kilometer today.

— Well _____ ! You must be very fit.

A. made  B. done

C. worked  D. kept

19. Clearly it is with great _____ that he admitted his mistakes in public.

A. reward  B. response

C. request  D. reluctance

20. The man _____ laughing at the idea of an invasion bringing about democracy.

A. burst out  B. burst into

C. turned out  D. turned into


Passage 1

Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days with an uncle who had just returned from abroad. He had rented a cottage in the country, although he rarely spent much time there. We understood the reason for this after our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it, many of the windows were broken and the roof leaked, making the whole house damp.

On our first evening, we sat around the fire after supper listening to the stories which our uncle had to tell of his many adventures in distant countries. I was so tired after the long train journey that I would have preferred to go to bed; but I could not bear to miss any of my uncle’s exciting tales.

He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had once had when there was a loud crash from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleep.

“It sounds as if the roof has fallen in!” exclaimed my uncle, with a loud laugh.

When we got to the top of the stairs and opened the bedroom door, we could see nothing at first because of the thick clouds of dust which filled the room. When the dust began to clear, a strange sight met our eyes. A large part of the ceiling had collapsed, falling right on to the pillow of my bed. I was glad that I had stayed up late to listen to my uncle’s stories, otherwise I should certainly have been seriously injured, perhaps killed.

That night we all slept on the floor to the sitting room downstairs, not wishing to risk our lives by sleeping under a roof which might at any moment collapse on our heads. We left for London the very next morning and my uncle gave up his cottage in the country. This was not the kind of adventure he cared for either!

21. The uncle seldom spent much time in the country cottage because ______.

A. the roof of the cottage was falling B. the cottage was in a bad condition

C. he was used to living abroad D. there was no furniture in it

22. The word “crash” (Line 2, Paragraph 3) most probably refers to ______.

A. a cry of terror B. a sudden ring

C. a sound of storm D. a sudden noise

23. When they opened the bedroom door, they could see nothing at first because ______.

A. it was completely dark inside B. dust was blown into their eyes

C. something strange blinded them D. there was too much dust in the air

24. The narrator felt glad that he had stayed up late because ______.

A. he did not miss the exciting stories B. he spent more time with his uncle

C. he had a lucky escape D. he saw a strange sight

25. Which of the following can best describe the narrator’s uncle?

A. Adventurous and good at storytelling. B. Humorous and good at making jokes.

C. Good-tempered and sensible. D. Hospitable and wealthy.

Passage 2

You might ask, what is Chinglish, anyway? It depends on whom you ask. Chinese parents raising their children in English-speaking countries will probably answer: Chinglish is a useful mix of standard Chinese or Cantonese terms with day-to-day English. It is indeed convenient to shorten a sentence such as “I don’t want to go now because it is too hot and it will be hard to find a parking lot anyway” into “Don’t go la, hot la, tai mafan la.” For the Chinese high-school teacher, Chinglish is the students’ unsuccessful attempts to understand English in a Chinese way, resulting in sentences such as “Please hurry to walk or we’ll be late” or “She is very miserable and her heart broke.” However, the English-speaking traveler more frequently comes across Chinglish in the form of public signs. No matter how one looks at the phenomenon, one thing is clear: Chinglish is not a language.

Chinglish might be found, according to some scholars, in Chinese Pidgin (混杂语) English, which came to life in the eighteenth century when the British set up their first trading posts in Guangzhou. The term came from the word “business” and served, according to the great Yale China scholar Jonathan Spencer, “to keep the differing communities in touch, by mixing words from Portuguese, Indian, English, and various Chinese dialects, and spelling them according to Chinese grammar.” Some believe that expressions like “Long time no see” or “No can do” appeared during that time. Others refer to the late Qing-Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi, who forced Chinese villagers to live and work in the West in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Another possibility is the so-called Yangjingbang , a mix of English and Chinese in the time of Lu Xun, China’s greatest twentieth-century writer. Very influential, too, are the large numbers of people from China to the United States, who came from the Gold Rush time to the last twenty-five years since the beginning of China’s policy of Reform and Opening.

No matter which theory one prefers, two things are certain: first, Chinglish exists because people move, and second, as a language phenomenon (现象), it is almost new. Although most Chinglish expressions are widely regarded as mistakes, occasionally some are found enjoyable. Such errors will not die, as they keep coming all the more in our time, largely thanks to the Internet.

26. According to the passage, Chinglish is regarded as useful by ______.

A. some western scholars

B. English-speaking travelers

C. Chinese high-school teachers

D. Chinese parents in English-speaking countries

27. The second paragraph mainly discusses ______.

A. why Chinglish became popular

B. how Chinglish came into being

C. who invented the term “Chinglish”

D. where Chinglish was most popular

28. According to Jonathan Spencer, Pidgin English serves to ______.

A. force Chinese villagers to learn English

B. overcome language difficulties in business

C. help peoples communicate with each other

D. enlarge the vocabulary of the Chinese language

29. According to the passage, Yangjingbang (Line 11, Paragraph 2) is ______.

A. a kind of Chinglish B. an influential language

C. a mix of any two languages D. a language in Lu Xun’s time

30. The author’s attitude towards Chinglish can be described as ______.

A. critical B. objective

C. emotional D. supportive


31. cough  32. fasten

33. Jewish  34. favourite

35. means  36. butcher

37. smoothly  38. hunger

39. flour  40. disease

41. choke  42. luxury

43. flood  44. amaze

45. urge  46. blank

47. store  48. grades

49. orange  50. growth



develop same  last to

if  on sense read

made  unless likely tell

Friends play a very important part in everyone’s life. Friendship begins to   51   early in childhood. As you progress through school, new friends are   52  . Those friends you make when you are a student usually   53   a long time. Friends influence your development, your maturity and your   54   of responsibility. A familiar expression is “You can   55   a lot about a person by knowing who his friends are.” Friendship is often based   56   common interests. If you like sports, most of your friends are   57   to be sporty. If you enjoy reading and shopping, most of your friends like to do the   58  .

True friends are those you can talk   59   about any subject or problem. They are most valuable, but difficult to find. You can consider yourself very lucky   60   you have one true friend. This friend is ready to help you whenever necessary, knowing that you would do the same for him or her.


For many, the ultimate deposit to the Emotional Bank Account comes in forgiving.

When you forgive, you open the channels   61   . trust and unconditional love. You cleanse your heart. You also remove a major obstacle   62   keeps others from changing- because when you don’t   63  , you put yourself between people and their conscience. Instead   64   spending their energy on work with their own conscience, they   65   it defending and justifying their behaviour to you.

In   66   you do for your family, keep in   67   the miracle of the Chinese bamboo. After the seed is   68   , new, taller shoots appear until the bamboo reaches full height.   69   the most dramatic growth is underground, where the   70   grow very strong. With this support, the bamboo can reach a height of 120 feet!


71. In “Night Watch”, the author concludes that the wrong Marine proved in a very human way that there are people who care _____ .

72. According to the author of “Happiness”, long-term happiness is a process of moving towards worthwhile goals and contributing towards _____ .

73. The man in “Little Things Are Big” finally makes a promise that when faced with a situation like that again he is going to _____.

74. According to “How Dictionaries Are Made”, the writer of a dictionary is _____ , not a lawgiver.

75. In “The Mystery of the Silver Box”, Mr. Grayson turned to the detective for help because he wanted to know _____.

76. The author of “Another School Year-What For?” believes that students go to universities for _____ .

77. According to Dr. Applebaum in “Unreality of TV”, if you ask a taxi driver to follow a car in real life, he won’t do it because that means _____ .

78. The author of “In the Laboratory” learned a lot from Professor Agassiz’s lesson which influenced _____ .

79. The author of “The Time Message” suggests that Sunday is a good day for study while Saturday is the day for ______ .

80. According to “The English Character”, one of the most elementary roles of life for the English is “never hit a man when he is down”- in other words,_____.












本文标签:宁夏自考 英语(一) 全国2012年4月自学考试综合英语(一)试题






