
发布日期:2019-07-26 10:59:09 编辑整理:宁夏自考网 【字体: 】   【自考招生老师微信】


81.She _____ the film. She knows nothing about it.

A. can‘t see B. can’t have seen C. must see D. mustn‘t have seen

82.Let‘s clean the classroom, _______?

A. won‘t you B. shall we C. do we D. will not you

83.— Shall I tell John about it?

— No,you _____. I don‘t know his telephone number.

A. needn‘t B. wouldn’t C. mustn‘t D. shouldn’t

84.Up to now there have been many explanations _______ the cause of sleepwalking.

A. in view of B. in line with C. apart from D. as to

85.What you said reminds me _______ something I read a few days ago.

A. for B. by C. from D. of

86.My skirt looks similar _______ yours.

A. with B. to C. about D. in

87.She took a spoonful and tasted it _______ it was hot.

A. in case B. in case of C. in the case of D. in that case

88.Don‘t wait for me if you _______.

A. have a hurry B. are in a hurry C. have a speed D. are in a speed

89.It‘s raining _______. We have to stay at home instead of going fishing.

A. badly B. hardly C. heavily D. strongly

90.______ he speaks softly is no proof that he is kind.

A. Since B. As C. That D. Because

91.Copernicus maintained that the earth ______ round the sun.

A. moves B. moved C. moving D. move

92.He was very ______ to go,but he had no choice.

A. ready B. willing C. reluctant D. hesitant

93.Two-thirds of his property ______ lost in the fire.

A. was B. were C. are D. have been

94.Remember, nothing hurts concentration ______ reading too slowly.

A. rather than B. as well as C. more than D. instead of

95.Many people have made a ______ to a physical fitness program so as to maintain good health.

A. decision B. commitment C. contribution D. difference

96.Scientists could see many things that most people would ______ to see.

A. feel B. fail C. fall D. fill

97.She passed the examination ______ she studied very little.

A. in spite of B. despite C. though D. in that

98.The father wished the twins to be doctors, but ______ of them liked to study medicine.

A. both B. neither C. either D. none

99.John is so strongly built that he looks as if he ______ an elephant.

A. lifts B. is lifting C. lifted D. could lift

100.The book was sold ______ 50 dollars.

A. in the price of B. at the price of C. with the price D. of all the price in

101.He is good at English, _______ we all know.

A. that B. as C. whom D. what

102.The pen _______ he is writing is mine.

A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which

103.Do you know the year _______ the Chinese Communist Party was founded?

A. which B. that C. when D. on which

104.The place _______ interested me most was the Children‘s Palace.

A. which B. where C. what D. in which

105._____ she was very tired, she went on working.

A. As B. Although C. Even D. In spite of

106.Read it aloud _______ the class can hear you.

A. so that B. if C. when D. although

107.By no means _______ look down upon the disabled.A. should we B. we should C. we shall D. we ought

108._______ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. Were he leaving C. Were he to leave D. Had he left

109._______, it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with a eraser.

A. Hard a diamond is B. Hard as a diamond is C. As a diamond is hard D. How hard is a diamond

110.If we _______ everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow.

A. hadn‘t got B. didn’t get C. wouldn‘t have got D. wouldn’t get

111.Was it in that school _______ he developed his interest in Physics?

A. which B. from which C. where D. that

112.We often hear old people wishing they ________ young again.

A. are B. were C. had been D. will be

113._______ he says or does won‘t make me change my mind at all.

A. Whatever B. However C. Which D. How

114.Only when you have finished your homework _______ go home.

A. can you B. would you C. you will D. you can

115.The ants, hardworking _______ they are, have their time for play.

A. if B. as C. since D. thoughhttp://www.zikao.hn.cn/

116.Some states have an income tax similar to ______ of the federal government.

A. that B. those C. this D. these

117.______ the examination, I would have gone to the football match last night.

A. But for B. In spite of C. Because of D. Provided that

118.He had the ______ over other boys of having had very good preschool education.

A. ability B. advantage C. aggression D. alternative

119.The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific, ______ it is still very large.

A. but B. and C. so D. therefore

120.It was there, the police believe, ______ she was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag.

A. until B. which C. that D. when

121.We can come to the ______ that the more we practice,the more skillful we will be.

A. tradition B. generation C. conclusion D. fact

122.I wished it ______ but it did.

A. had not occurred B. occurred not C. did not occur D. would not occur

123.I have no choice ______ lay the facts before the public exactly as they occurred.

A. but to B. and to C. with to D. only to

124.His illness accounts ______ his absence from class.

A. to B. for C. over D. after

125.______ a little earlier,I would have caught the train.

A. Did I leave B. Would I leave C. Had I left D. Have I left

126.I have no objection ______ for a hike on the mountains with Cynthia.

A. to go B. going C. to going D. of going

127.To some extent the good service at the hotel ______ the poor food.

A. brought out B. came about C. got down to D. made up for

128.The manager would rather his daughter ______ in the same company.

A. would not work B. will not work C. does not work D. did not work

129.By the end of next month I ______ here for five years.

A. will work B. have been working C. have worked D. will have worked

130.It was ______ that we went for a picnic in the country.

A. such nice a day B. such nice day C. so nice a day D. so nice day

131.Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find _______ difficult to succeed in language learning.

A. which B. how C. that D. it

132.The Ocean is more than 4000 miles _______.

A. wider B. widest C. wide D. in wide

133.Now you can see _______ you should consult the dictionary last, not first.

A. which B. what C. why D. how

134.In one type of laboratory test all the variables _______ one are controlled.

A. by B. and C. but D. or

135.Small _______ it is, an atom can still be seen.

A. that B. as C. so D. where

136.They think in getting their materials, and also in _______ them,and in plastering them together with mud.

A. arranging B. arrange C. being arranging D. arranged

137.I am in favor of his proposal that a special committee _______ to examine the problem.

A. set up B. was set up C. be set up D. is setting up

138.It has long been assumed _______ aggression is caused by male hormones.

A. what B. that C. which D. who

139.The actor was almost _______ most audience before he played that part.

A. known of B. unknown to C. known for D. unknown for

140.The fixed star was _______ a planet.

A. made of B. made from C. made up for D. mistaken for

181.I‘d like to _______ a photo of you with my camera.

A. make B. take C. expose D. shot

182.In terms of electronic devices, it‘s easy to buy exactly _______ you need in a big city.

A. that B. those C. what D. which

183.Sorry to be late, but we were _______ for half an hour in the traffic.

A. put back B. broken down C. held up D. kept off

184.There are plans to _______ the corporation into a number of smaller independent companies.

A. shrink B. split C. spur D. spill

185.Smith was _______ of murdering his wife, but no evidence was yet provided.

A. blamed B. charged C. accused D. arrested

186.“What were you doing while all this was _______?” the manager demanded angrily.

A. getting on B. going on C. holding on D. carrying on

187.Several people were unable to _______ the meeting because of the storm.

A. attend B. participate C. join D. attempt

188.Young people are keener _______ high pay and promotion but less concerned with security and job satisfaction than older people.

A. on B. to C. for D. at

189.If he _______ in landing a job, Tom will inform us immediately.

A. succeeds B. succeeded C. will succeed D. is succeeding

190.I was delighted _______ her performance in NYU last night.

A. of B. with C. from D. for

191.Don‘t go shopping during the _______ hour unless you have to.

A. busy B. dash C. rush D. hurry

192.We _______ so much food last night. Only three guests turned up.

A. shouldn‘t order B. didn’t need order C. needn‘t have ordered D. mustn’t have ordered

193.Why don‘t you start out early _______ you don’t have to hurry?

A. so as B. so that C. as such D. as well as

194.Jack is going to a concert tomorrow evening. So _______.

A. am I B. I am C. will I D. I will

195.Other students joined in the protest, and _______ a large crowd gathered outside the building.

A. after all B. as soon as C. long before D. before long

196.He‘ll get _______ his disappointment and be cheerful again by tomorrow morning.

A. over B. away C. through D. out of

197.“How long did it take you to realize that he was dishonest?” “I _______ from the start.”

A. looked him out B. looked him over C. saw him out D. saw him through

198.It might be possible to _______ the problem in a different way.

A. approach B. attribute C. approve D. attend

199.Jane has no relatives to _______ in New York.

A. get down to B. stand up for C. fall back on D. take advantage of

200.The police asked them to describe _______ the woman looked like.

A. how B. what C. that D. who

201.It is essential that you _______ any document carefully before signing it.

A. read B. reading C. can read D. have read

202.Some doctors claim that a vegetable diet is superior _______ a meat diet.

A. to B. than C. over D. against

203.The black writer wanted the other members of the workshop to treat _______ as an equal.

A. his B. he C. him D. himself

204.What she says _______ little relation to what she actually does.

A. bears B. gives C. reflects D. possesses

161.Tony likes walking in the country and _______.

A. also does Mary B. Mary does also C. so Mary does D. so does Mary

162.If you _______ in taking this attitude, we‘ll have to ask you to leave.

A. insist B. resist C. persist D. exist

163.They have to stay with us _______ the time being because they have not found a place yet.

A. during B. in C. for D. since

164.Sixty percent of television viewers chose him as their _______ host.

A. popular B. preferred C. favorite D. favored

165.He cleans the offices after all the workers have gone _______.

A. home B. at home C. in home D. to home

166.You can‘t rely _______ him to do the job properly.

A. to B. on C. in D. with

167.He‘ll _______ his nervousness once he’s on stage.

A. get over B. get off C. get out D. get through

168.Each one of us, _______ old or young, is a valuable member of society.

A. however B. whenever C. whoever D. no matter

169.Diamonds are the hardest substance _______ in nature.

A. find B. found C. finding D. to find

170.I‘ll leave him a note _______ he’ll know where we are.

A. for B. that C. so that D. such that

171.I don‘t want to go into the sea. I’d rather lie on the _______.

A. coast B. shore C. bank D. beach

172.Jane came _______ because her car has broken down.

A. by feet B. on feet C. with foot D. on foot

173.Frank couldn‘t help _______ his wife that he was worried about losing his job.

A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. expect tell

174.Our responsibility involves _______ the problems of homelessness in the city.

A. deal with B. to deal with C. dealing with D. in dealing with

175.I‘m going to the hairdresser’s to _______. Would you like to go with me?

A. cut my hair B. have my hair cut C. have cut my hair D. cut off my hair

176.We‘ve _______ milk. Could you stop at the store on your way home?

A. run through B. run over C. run off D. run out of

177.When the engine broke down, the boat‘s crew found themselves _______ of the wind.

A. at the cost B. at the mercy C. at the rate D. at the moment

178.The President was among the first to congratulate the scientist _______ his new discovery.

A. at B. in C. about D. on

179.Police Chief Timothy told reporters that the police officers wounded in the rescue operation were rapidly _______.

A. curing B. treating C. healing D. recovering

180.The more the customer complained, _______ and more unpleasant the manager became.

A. the ruder B. more rude C. the rudest D. the rude

本文标签:宁夏自考 公共课 2019年自考英语(一)强化练习题及答案汇总(下)






