Use the verb+ noun or adj. +noun collocation
砍伐森林 to cut down the forests筑坝拦河 to dam the streams发出警告 to sound a warning受到表扬 to receive praise激起热情 to fire one's imagination激发想象 to finish college大学毕业 to finish college政府干预 government intervention人造卫星 man-made satellite学术报告 academic reports 强烈反对 fierce opposition热心读者 avid reader严酷事实 farsh facts上……课 to take a course in…连续10天ten consecutive days新华社 Xinhua News Agency畅销书 best-seller环保 environmental protection
use the “useful expression”
1 尽管年纪小,没,这位小演员同一起工作的明星们却能无拘无束地相处。
Though young and lacking in experience, the young actor is at ease with the film stars with whom he is working.
2 没过一会儿,巴德先生就发现他的顾客是警察通缉的那个人。
Not long after, Mr. Budd found out that his customer was the man on the police's wanted list.
3 在完全了解自己严重病情的情况下,吉姆在生命最后几个月里作出许多勇敢的选择。
Fully aware of his serious illness, Jim made many courageous choices in the last few months in his life.
4 1998年中国的水灾向中国人民发出了严重警告。
The flood in China in 1998 sounded a serious warning to people all over the country.
5 怎样培养好独生子女在中国印发了许多辩论。
How to bring up the only child properly has stired up much controversy in China.
6 詹姆斯是在牛津时接触到莎士比亚的著作的。
James got acquainted with Shakespeare's works when he was at Oxford.
7 当我发现那位著名画家竟与我家有亲戚关系时,感到十分惊讶。
I was very surprised to find that the famous painter was connected to our family.
8 人在剧烈活动时,肌肉中的蛋白质会分解的更快。
Muscle protein will break down more quickly when one is doing strenuous exercises.
9 那个少年使琼斯太太回想起她自己在过去的困难日子里的痛苦经历。
That young boy remained Mrs Jones of her bitter experiences in the difficult days in the past.
本文标签:宁夏自考 公共类 综合英语(二)上册语法及课后翻译(12)
