affordable a. able to be bought 买得起
anguish n. severe suffering 极度的痛苦
apparent a. easily seen or understood; plain 显而易见的
available a. that can be obtained 能得到的
axiom n. statement accepted as true without proof or argument 公理;格言
boom n. rapid growth or increase 激增,暴涨
commodity n. a thing of use sold for profit 商品
consequently ad. as a result 结果
corrupt a. immoral; depraved; dishonest 不道德的;腐败的;不诚实的
delay v. & n. put off until later; stop for a time or cause to be late; the act of delaying or the state of being delayed 推迟,耽搁,延误
denote v. indicate 表示,指示
detail v. describe fully 详述
spanerse a. of different kinds 多种多样的
entrepreneur n. a person who organises and manages a commercial undertaking 企业家
forethought n. wise planning for future needs 深谋远虑
illustrate vt. explain by examples (用例子)阐明
inextricably a. inseparably 无法摆脱的
main n. principal pipe bringing water or gas (水或煤气等的)总管道
marked a. clear; readily seen 清楚的,显而易见的
portion n. part 部分
precise a. exact in form, detail, time, measurements, etc. 精确的
primarily ad. mainly; chiefly 主要的,首要的
programming n. supplying a computer with a plan of the operations to be performed 程序输入
rage v. be very violent 大怒
sizable a.&
本文标签:宁夏自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT-16