
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:03 编辑整理:宁夏自考网 【字体: 】   【自考招生老师微信】


UNIT  19


  awash  a. washed over by the waves  被浪潮冲打的

  cleanse  v. make clean 使清洁

  cluster  v. form a close group  使成群;群集;丛生

  cope  v. manage successfully  妥善处理

  destination  n. place to which sb. or sth. is going or is being sent 目的地

  detergent  n. a chemical product used for cleaning clothing, dishes, etc. 清洁剂

  effluent  n. liquid waste 流出物;液体废物

  endemic  a. (of a disease) found regularly in a particular place (疾病等)地方性的

  filth  disgusting dirt 污物

  flush  v. flow suddenly and freely 奔流;涌

  foul  v. make dirty or impure  弄脏;污染

  gravely  ad. seriously 严肃地

  hazard  n. danger 危险

  infect  v. give a disease to, contaminate 感染

  inhabit  v. live in 居住于

  landlocked  a. almost or entirely surrounded by land 被陆地围住的

  lurk  . exist unseen; wait in hiding 潜伏

  nourish  v. keep alive and well with food to, train, educate, or develop 养育;培养;教养

  outbreak  n. sudden occurrence 爆发

  overestimate  v. have too high an opinion of the degree or number of 过高估计

  periodic  a. happening repeatedly at regular times 间歇的;定期的

  pollute  v. make dirty 污染

  popular  a. favoured by many people 大众喜爱的

  remorseless  a. feeling or showing no sorrow for doing wrong 不懊悔的

  seductive  a. attractive, seemingly enticing 有吸引力的;富有魅力的

  sewage  n. the waste material and water carried in sewers (阴沟里的)污物

  slime  n. soft, nasty, thick, sticky mud 软泥;粘泥

  sluice  v. send a stream of water over 奔流;奔泻

  stifle  v. prevent from happening or continuing 抑制;镇压

  cholera  n.霍乱



本文标签:宁夏自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT-19









日期:2018-05-23 12:27:03  整理:宁夏自考网  浏览(

UNIT  19


  awash  a. washed over by the waves  被浪潮冲打的

  cleanse  v. make clean 使清洁

  cluster  v. form a close group  使成群;群集;丛生

  cope  v. manage successfully  妥善处理

  destination  n. place to which sb. or sth. is going or is being sent 目的地

  detergent  n. a chemical product used for cleaning clothing, dishes, etc. 清洁剂

  effluent  n. liquid waste 流出物;液体废物

  endemic  a. (of a disease) found regularly in a particular place (疾病等)地方性的

  filth  disgusting dirt 污物

  flush  v. flow suddenly and freely 奔流;涌

  foul  v. make dirty or impure  弄脏;污染

  gravely  ad. seriously 严肃地

  hazard  n. danger 危险

  infect  v. give a disease to, contaminate 感染

  inhabit  v. live in 居住于

  landlocked  a. almost or entirely surrounded by land 被陆地围住的

  lurk  . exist unseen; wait in hiding 潜伏

  nourish  v. keep alive and well with food to, train, educate, or develop 养育;培养;教养

  outbreak  n. sudden occurrence 爆发

  overestimate  v. have too high an opinion of the degree or number of 过高估计

  periodic  a. happening repeatedly at regular times 间歇的;定期的

  pollute  v. make dirty 污染

  popular  a. favoured by many people 大众喜爱的

  remorseless  a. feeling or showing no sorrow for doing wrong 不懊悔的

  seductive  a. attractive, seemingly enticing 有吸引力的;富有魅力的

  sewage  n. the waste material and water carried in sewers (阴沟里的)污物

  slime  n. soft, nasty, thick, sticky mud 软泥;粘泥

  sluice  v. send a stream of water over 奔流;奔泻

  stifle  v. prevent from happening or continuing 抑制;镇压

  cholera  n.霍乱



本文标签:宁夏自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT-19





